Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

Mycro will create innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money

Sincerely, When we were children, we all learned in the junior class that Humans are a social species and cannot live without society. Working on this concept our parents and parents there and parents there and our previous generation, tried there the best level to give the best they had there children with my intentions good food to eat, clothes that good to use, a good home for life, good for living education so that children can live in a society made by humans comfortably and respectfully.

There are many other examples but we don't really care about them because we don't have enough money but have plenty of time.

Time is money

In fact, contrary to this is another category where people have a lot of money or rather say wealth but don't have time to spend it, Time to trap money they don't have time to meet there close and dear. Even so they want to be with friends and family, but they cannot because of lack of time.

The beauty of nature is that all eveyone on this planet no matter how rich, or how good to do that we are all blessed with 24 hours a day that will be credited in the lives of everyone the next day again.

Being rich doesn't mean that person gets an extra hour or two in life there.

In short, the world is full of people trapped there living somewhere or another and although there will be they cannot move on their own because they are trapped in time and money or money and a time trap.

MYCRO - Time & Money Equalizer

Mycro will create innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money and tokenize imbalances between time and

money. Also, it will play an important role in decentralized peer-to-peer networks through easy-to-use mobile applications. Simple work in the short term can be posted directly to the mycro network for free. So that it helps people to find the right job. Therefore, one person gets time, other money.

How will Mycro help in finding work?

Mycro depends on special sorting functions. Both contractor and job provider can determine their preferences and rank based on their interests. Thank you, for a smart self-learning matching algorithm that will sort available job offers, taking into account the pre-selected preferences, job history and rankings generated from this. The contractor finds all job offers that are sorted individually in the Mobile Application. These are all based on user guides or user surfaces that can be compared to networks such as Tinder. The contractor must do it

swipe to see through job offers and search for suitable offers. Jobs are sorted in descending order based on the level of compatibility.

How does the payment system between the job provider and the contractor work?

If the work is agreed between the job provider and ten contractors, both will receive a personal QR code. Beginning of work is indicated by

Job providers scan QR contractor codes. If both parties have decided to pay with cryptocurrency, the agreed amount will be sent directly to the escrow smart contract at this stage. The money will be

kept in trust by a smart contract escrow when the work is done (escrow). Job providers and employers do not have the authority to access money. To end the job, the contractor scans the QR code of the job provider and the smart contract will take care of the contractor's money.

In return for getting the necessary work done Mycro users only pay a 2% fee for using the decentralized version of Mycro which is 28% less compared to other networks available on the market today.

Type of work

The Mycro Mobile application will be very helpful for finding jobs from the following categories:


The Mobile Application will be available for Android & iOS versions.
The dashboard will have an easy-to-use interface and can only be accessed via mobile just for posting and also looking for work.

Mycro network

Overall, the mycro network consists of the following components which make it one of the best decentralized networks to maintain the balance of time & balance of money. These components are as follows:

Market potential
According to a study conducted by McKinsey

The percentage of freelancers in the US is generally 30% or more. while, some time ago, Freelancers Union and Upwork published a study that showed that 35% of the US workforce had worked well off

part time or full time and assume that with ** increasing digitalization and liberalization, the percentage of 30% of freelance workers can also be reached in other regions.

Design and Function of Tokens:

Token Distribution:


Mycro - team & advisory

In Nutsell's review: The concept of this project is to provide free time and extra money for people so that they can work according to their wishes and spend more time with their closeness and than spend more than half of life for a few pieces with coins that only Essential Needs That Can Meet.

For more information, please visit:

Mycro review writer: angin badai

bitcontalk URL:

Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

BiNeuro包括神经优化功能以及专家评分系统。 该系统保留了最成功的地理和行业相关活动的目标图像库,




(活动KPI参数的实现)被称为活动目标图像(TI)。 BiNeuro将修改此值并要求他们将自己带到目标图像。







Google Adwords目标限制:
您帐户的总预算少于11,000。 https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6372658?hl=ru




硬工资帽 - 47 000 ETH软帽 - 不提供(因为BiNeuro的WEB版本已经在运行,收到的资金就可以去营销推广,因为,不建议使用软上限)。在到达硬工资帽令牌发售,同时加入令牌销售凭证销售,您可以通过直接ETH转移到智能合同地址购买BNR令牌。我们只接受ETH的钱包。请小心,以免进行支付从ERC-20不具有加密交换的钱包和账户兼容。您可能无法控制购买的令牌。






作者:angin badai


Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

HeliosCoin - 世界初の代替エネルギー源に注力


ヘリオス鉱業株式会社世界初の代替エネルギー源に焦点を当てた自律鉱山ソリューションであるHeliosCoin ICOを発売しました。この提案は、世界社会に発表されます。制限は、ドイツ人だけでなく、米国の投資家にも適用されます。





















私たちが持っているより多くの太陽の駅 - 私たちが持っているより多くのパワー。鉱夫の力が増えるほど。より多くの鉱夫は、より多くの暗号通貨と、私たちと投資家のためのより多くのお金を意味します。




リリース時のトークン価格:0.001 ETH

バウンティプログラム - 分散トークンの3%
創業チーム - 創業チーム - 10%
リザーブ - 5%前払い償還基金
投稿者 - 発行されたトークンの82%



91% - ソーラーマイニング機関のクラスタークラスターへの投資






著者:angin badai


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Viva intercepts intermediaries, resulting in a more lucrative and efficient lending process for all


The Viva platform will use smart contracts for crowdfund home loans, connecting borrowers and investors directly in decentralized ecosystem decentralization. Utilizing ultra-secure blockchain transactions, Viva intercepts intermediaries, resulting in a more lucrative and efficient lending process for all. Viva allows the free market to determine the interest rate on the borrower's mortgage and eliminates the need for banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in the local financial system, the mortgage rate will be more fair and accurate reflecting the level of risk associated with the true value of the asset.

Viva is a new decentralized home loan financing platform. More specifically, the platform is designed as a mortgage and crowdlending platform that runs directly on blockchain technology. If you go to the company website, then you can contribute or learn more about the system through reading white books.

Viva aims to revolutionize the outdated mortgage lending industry by cutting through the intermediary process and decentralization, thus applying a fundamentally more accessible and transparent financing approach. We believe that Viva's technology will increase the availability of credit to borrowers and for the first time allows non-institutional investors to participate in returns that are consistent and supported by assets related to mortgage investment, products traditionally provided only to large financial institutions. .

Furthermore, by allowing the free market to dictate the risks and associated values ​​of each mortgage - as opposed to a bank - we hope to see a fairer mortgage. The Viva platform will be exploited by them in developed and developing countries, enabling the world to take major steps towards geographic wealth equality - by breaking down barriers and making both parties better.

Viva disrupted the mortgage industry by allowing buyers and home sellers to set their own terms. Every individual, from any country in the world, will have access to credit financing for home loans through a decentralized open market network in Viva Platform.

In addition, Viva's function as an investment and savings platform accessible only by mobile devices means that all Viva users will have access to credit financing, savings and investment accounts, and secure transaction services supported by standard blockchain - regardless of the country where they live .


The current round is the main round in which contributors get a 25% bonus on tokens when they invest. The exchange rate right now is 1 ETH = 44,642 VIVA. There are more details on the token generation on the company website. The main round will end on September 18th, 2018.


Also, anyone who is looking to invest may want to take a look at the roadmap placed on the company website. It has a full list of vision and goals of the company and how they plan on achieving it. You can more accurately gauge how effective and effective the team behind the company is.


The Icobench rating is high as overall rating is 3.6 / 5, icoholder rated 3.9 / 5, icomark rated 9.7 / 10.




The Team:
There is a core team on the platform of sixteen individuals from various spaces related to the platform's needs and other advisors like Dennis O'Connell, Stephen W. Thomson, Gilbert Darrell, Kishan Sudusinghe, Todd Barclay and many others. All profiles of LinkedIn profiles where you can learn more about the individual in question. There is not much information on the website for each person, but the LinkedIn profile links are more than enough for anyone want to learn more:

The core team / ADVISORY



WEBSITE: http://www.vivanetwork.org/
WHITEPAPER: http://www.vivanetwork.org/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3430485.0;all
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheVivaNetwork
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/VivaNetworkOfficial/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Wearethevivanetwork

Let ’s join VIVA ... !!!

AUTHOR BY: angin badai
PROFILE Username Forum:
ETH: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

GSC Aviation is a combination of database effectiveness that has been tested for query processes with blockchain technology security

GSC pp.png

GSC Aviation Using Blockchain Technology In The Aerospace Industry
Blockchain technology has been growing rapidly so that emerging technology and technology-based development in all areas of business and technology, so many investment models offered to support the success of a project or development. Investing in aviation becomes a new breakthrough because, GSC Aviation is a combination of database effectiveness that has been tested for query processes with blockchain technology security to provide a reliable and reliable platform for updating information such as vendor financial strength, quality standards, and MRO data. In the background, large and decentralized computer networks record every transaction made by each supply chain member in a continuous and updated blockchain in real-time. GSC Platform Company is located in Southwest, France.
We think growth in the Aviation Sector can be combined with the traditional approach to managing the supply chain. There are new technological solutions that can secure the supply chain and streamline corporate processes. We believe in and believe in the evolutionary potential that blockchain can provide in the process of tracking, logistics, and buyers. The GSC platform will improve safety and reduce costs in the Aeronautical supply chain sector. Our goal is to improve aviation safety and enable economies of scale for aerospace industry players by optimizing the overall supply chain.
Advantages in the GSC Aviation platform

Quick Search
Thanks to this search module, the GSC aviation platform lets you find suppliers close to you. Using a ranking system indexed by search engines, top ranking vendors appear first in your results.

Centralized Tender
In accordance with the needs of goods and services, select the supplier and the criteria that determine your choice and bid for the tender in a few clicks.

Accessible Can Be Optimized
A very important identity card can be stored in a database that allows you to access each supplier's information very quickly.

Tracking Regular and Efficient Suppliers
The GSC platform gives each buyer a list of dashboard information about their previous supplier and collaboration. Easy-to-use technical tools for buyers allow them to save time and concentrate on strategic purchases and higher value-added tasks for their companies.

GSC Aviation function uses Blockchain technology

Control And Tracking
To manage obsolescence in planned equipment, this information can be stored and secured in the GSC Aviation Blockchain. Blockchain can remind customers of MRO, Airlines, and CAMO for inspections and tests to be performed on every part. The visibility of this information also makes it possible to anticipate the booking section at the end of the potential and thus to achieve an effective source with optimal purchasing conditions.
Blockchain GSC Aviation technology is used to store and secure the entire life cycle of the flight pieces. From manufacturing to installation of aircraft, through general inspection, repair or repair in the workshop, it is possible to consult all procedures undertaken. Thanks to the excellent Blockchain technology and traceability of aerospace parts, aircraft are safer and passengers and crew safety are enhanced.
To understand what is GSC Aviation, please watch this short video:

ICO GSC Aviation

GSC 1.png

GSC 2.png

Use of ICO funds

GSC 3.png

GSC 4.png

Quick Links to Information:

Website: https://gscplatform.io/
Whitepaper: https://gscplatform.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ENG-WP-GSC-AVIATION-07062018.pdf/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GSCPlatform
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GSCAviation
Telegram: https://t.me/GSCAviationOfficial/
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4438272.
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GSCAviation/
Medium: https://medium.com/@gscaviationcm
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv5jyazp0jQ_5zT0Sg1Hgt

Bitcointalk Profile:

Address Eth:

AUTHOR: angin badai

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

MOZO - this app allows you to increase and control pedestrian traffic in land-based stores.

Today you will be introduced to an interesting project. Mozo is a decentralized solution based on blockchain for businesses and retailers, the use of this app allows you to increase and control pedestrian traffic in land-based stores. Project developers working to attract partners-need to create a ground-based storefront that will participate in the project. Platform users will be able to receive a Mozilla tokens gift to visit trading platforms and purchase certain products. The store will receive the Mozo tokens as a payment instrument - this project is innovative and quickly gaining momentum.

How does Mozo work?
Mozo provides retailers and shop operators with the ability to control and increase their pedestrian traffic. By providing a Mozilla Token as a gift to visit, browse (open), and buy, customers get an incentive to go where you direct them. Customers can accumulate Mozo tokens and redeem them with offers, discounts, and promotions. Mozo-token - a token-based utility running on the Ethereum chain. This means the value that comes out of the Mozo app, the coins can be used not only in certain stores but also traded on the famous exchange.

Who can benefit from Mozo?
Mozo can benefit places that want to optimize and increase the flow of regular customers. This means Mozo can help small shops and large retailers in larger locations such as shopping centers, stadiums and even entire countries through tourism. Consumers benefit from the fact that the project's internal currency will be a single payment instrument. It's easy to make necessary purchases using the mobile app.

How relevant the project is
In the past, advanced touch technology testing and mobile apps for resellers and consumers has ended, all of them have passed outstanding field trials at Wanda Group, China's leading shopping center and 361, China's leading clothing and footwear store. , Indoor placement software (IPS) has unparalleled accuracy in 1 square meter and 1 second response time. Our pilot with multiple stores in 361 created a 20 percent increase in revenue from shopping and traffic.

What is flare of touch and why is it important?
Touch sound is a non-intrusive device that lets you interact and talk with other devices, such as mobile phones. Our beacons use the world's leading IPS (internal positioning) technology to communicate with customers using our Mozo app. When customers visit the market, they can be rewarded with Tokio mosio. When this customer finds items attached to one of our beacons, product information is filled on their mobile phone other than the prize issued by the venue. This beacon allows customers to interact with stores and places in a completely new way.

What is the app for Mozo token?
The first application of Mozo Token is the basis for a solution based on Mozo's rewards, for shopping centers that enhance and control visitor movement. The Mozilla Token can be used as a gift and then redeemed from resellers participating in the Mozo network. Regardless of this purpose, Token Mozo may also be redeemed as gifts or purchased and sold through selected exchange platforms.

Mozo-token associated with Bitcoin or Everymom?
The Mozo Token is a separate individual token, different from Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can only accept Mozo tokens by purchasing certain coins or by interacting with partners in our ecosystem. Each Mozilla token is ERC-20 type, so it's easy to transfer to the Ethereum chainchain network, which means you can buy it with bitcoin and Ethereum currency.

please visit the sites of MOZO to detail information :

Author: angin badai


ETHER WALLET: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Opiria-Platform and Token PDATA build a decentralized global market for the purchase and sale of personal information that is safe and clear.

Hello every warm greetings, the day I will review Opiria & PDATA, what is Opiria & PDATA? here I will explain what the following Opiria & PDATA are reviewed below:

Opiria-Platform and Token PDATA are building decentralized global markets for secure and clear purchases and sales of personal information.
The main objective of this project is to create a market with the help of the Opiria Platform and PDATA tokens, created on a chain where companies buy personal data from consumers without intermediaries.

The PDATA identifier evaluates the significance of personal data and generates a currency that accurately indicates its value.

Opiria-Platform and Tochen PDATA, will open an entirely new ecosystem where PDATA costs in the final account will be determined by market supply forces and

requirements for personal information about the Ethereum block chain. Therefore, as personal information needs grow, the value of the PDATA tokens will look like other open market mechanisms.

This ecosystem will work without central authority or control. The main privilege of the Tokata token ecosystem is a secure trade in private information, which fully protects the confidentiality of information about its users. This is because of the functional mechanism of the block chain in which the client only addresses the Internet. Customers see what kind of data the company wants from them, and they will be able to decide whether to provide their personal information or not to provide.

Therefore, it creates direct involvement of trust between clients and companies without intermediaries.

The project thinks that the correct mechanism to encourage clients to transfer personal information is to pay them when they provide companies with access to their personal information.

Opiria-Platform and Token PDATA are building decentralized global markets for secure and clear purchases and sales of personal information.

Around the world, companies desperately need personal information from consumers to find out their needs and requirements for product and service development that will further stimulate desire, and will also provide marketing and sales goals.

Opiria-Platform allows consumers to create a stream of passive income by cashing in their personal information. Companies can buy personal information directly from customers, and also give them compensation.

The PDATA ID is the currency that expresses the value of personal information and allows you to use smart contracts on the block chain.

The Opiria platform will connect customers and companies worldwide and become the largest in the world

a decentralized market for personal data.

Opiria-Platform and Token PDATA will democratize personal information brokers in a safe, legal, fair and transparent way, using blockchain technology and the principle of selecting the sale of your personal information, using the project platform.

The project gives companies access to real, reliable and high-quality client information, respecting their confidentiality, in accordance with strict general rules for data protection (GDP) regulations.

Thanks for the time and have read my article ^ _ ^
Good luck to all ..amien .. !!

Links to the project for more details:

Author: angin badai

MY ETH: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Mycro will create innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money

Sincerely , When we were children, we all learned in the junior class that Humans are a social species and cannot live without society. ...