Kamis, 26 April 2018



TIHOSAY是使用ETHEREUM子結構為ERC-20服務的標誌。 TIHOSAY從以太坊生態系統的諸多優勢中受益。在這裡,解釋所有細節,如卡片,交換,ICO請求,商家,商家,加盟,繼承,ICO細節,團隊,路線圖和使用條款ITHOSAY。






所有TIHOSAYVISA®DEBIT CARD用戶可以為當地菲亞特更換9個支持的硬幣,賺錢並進行購買。



TIHOSAY允許TIHOSAY令牌和其他加密硬幣作為付款方式,創建您自己的文件共享和VISA®DEBIT CARD類型。我們在一個屋簷下收集所有分銷商/用戶。交易者將有機會在沒有佣金的情況下交換他們的數字資產,向TIHOSAY Exchange提供免費的每日交換權。所有TIHOSAYVISA®DEBIT CARD用戶可以將9種不同的支持環境信息轉換為本地FIAT,提取現金並進行購買。

買賣交易可以在TIHOSAY EXCHANGE上通過TIHOSAYVISA®借記卡立即完成。您可以通過將資金從您的卡轉移到證券交易所來立即進行交易,或者您可以立即將現金購買和在線/離線使用這些資金,並將其轉移到您的卡上。 TIHOSAY淨池被積極用於所有立即使用的交易並且沒有問題發生。



使用TIHOSAYVISA®DEBIT CARD,當您執行在線/離線開支/下降時,您可以將多種加密資產轉換為本地FIAT。我們在世界貨幣和加密幣之間建立了一座橋樑。所有主要交易所(包括TIHOSAY EXCHANGE)與我們開發的TFC MULTI CONVERSION模塊之間都有工作聯繫。他將他的資產轉移到TIHOSAY VISA FUND智能合約,與TETHER交換VISA,在需要時找到最佳價格。因此,TETHER的資產不斷與VISA FUND DOLLAR合作轉換並轉入淨池。智能合約自動完成生態系統並允許持續傳輸所需限制

安全,快速和簡便,您可以將ETH / BTC / ETC / LTC / XRP / NEO / DASH / XMR / ZEC資產轉換為FIAT,並具有出色的銀行間轉換率。您只需將您的資產作為本地貨幣在其他國家/地區發送。您可以在超過2400萬家商店,餐館,酒店等中使用它。在160多個接受VISA®卡的國家。 “如果您週末前往巴黎或喜馬拉雅山,您可以安全方便地為我們的VISA®卡付款。”在選擇社區時,任何未來的加密硬幣(ERC-20等)都將被添加到FIAT轉換列表中,並且更新將持續進行。在全球範圍內使用金錢和購物機會可以使用白金卡,黃金卡,銀卡和虛擬卡,所有企業客戶都可以使用這些卡給私人客戶。我們為每個人提供TIHOSAY SILVERVISA®會員卡。 PLATINUM CARD和GOLD CARD的數量有限。


所有從Windows,iOS和Android市場下載TIHOSAY應用程序的用戶都可以使用一個錢包來跟踪所有交易。 - 您可以在TIHOSAY Exchange上購買和出售相同的產品組合。 - 您可以將錢作為FIAT轉入您的卡。您可以在單個錢包中和單個三步應用程序中運行Exchange和卡交易。如果您的卡片低於設定的限制,您可以提供有關自動傳輸的說明,並在需要時在線/離線使用。您可以通過銀行轉賬將資金轉入您的信用卡,從而為TIHOSAY Exchange交易。 TIHOSAY應用程序提供許多功能,包括:卡片凍結,PIN碼更改,排放詳情和自動付款指令。

您可以在超過2400萬家商店,餐館,酒店等中使用它。在160多個接受VISA®卡的國家。 - 管理與單件組合的商業限制交換和電路板 - 凍結卡,自動付款訂單,專注於海外消費 - 從ETH / BTC / ETC / LTC / XRP / NEO / DASH / XMR / SAC轉換/ ERC-20 FIAT - 通過全球賬戶在世界任何地方即時訪問您的資源 - 僅用作錢包或證券交易所 - 如果您的信用卡低於設定的限額,即可自動轉賬

日常開支和Barauszahlungslimits - THO獎金高達全部支出的3% - 使用免費的月度和年度卡 - 免費送貨 - 免費自動取款機取錢 - 低佣金率 - 安全 - 雙輸出支持 - 數據的安全存儲通過智能採購 - 免費外匯 - 24/7技術支持/ VISA與世界各地的購物場所和使用金錢都設有白金卡,金卡,銀和虛擬卡,它可以被所有企業客戶,為客戶使用個人。我們為每個人提供TIHOSAY SILVERVISA®會員卡。 PLATINUM CARD和GOLD CARD的數量有限


TIHOSAY - THO / ERC-20令牌令牌總供應量(最大):億THO銷售令牌:6500隔了未來:為員工分居15000000:千萬隔顧問和獎項:人民幣500分隔為合作夥伴和戰略合作夥伴:5,000,000 - TiHOSAY Pre-ICO將於2018年3月25日上午10:00開始。 - 未來的單獨代幣和員工通過智能合同在12個月內被封鎖。 - 如果前ICO成功完成,軟頂將不會在ICO回合中可用。 - 如果沒有達到預期的參與期限,則軟帽5000 ETH等於參與總次數。如果在活動銷售表格中沒有達到ETH 5000的門檻,參與者的投資將被退還智能合約。 - 令牌銷售事件在完成指定數據或完成銷售給定符號數量後結束。 - 硬盤限額對應於指定日期之間的令牌銷售總額(最多6500萬)。 - 根據ETH的參與,THO令牌是實時創建的
用於預ICO最低投資額:ETH 1 UCI的情況下,最小的參與:ETH 0.1預ICO零售價的令牌:ETH ICO 0.001零售價的令牌:ETH 0.0013 - 每最大購買限制人是無限的。 - 為符號銷售而分開但尚未購買的所有令牌都被記錄下來。 - 只接受以太坊。不要發送無法完全控制的地址。請務必使用與MyEtherWallet,MetaMask,肥料等組合相兼容的標記。





通過:angin badai

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Invox Finance - Solutions for solving invoicing, bad service, and funding issues.

The main problem with invoices is that the financiers are forced to rely solely on seller information, so their relationship is not completely transparent. We plan to change the invoice industry by introducing a P2P platform called Invox Finance.

Potential problem:
- Seller and buyer can approve and deceive the financiers
- Seller may bill for services not provided or for products that do not meet the requirements
- The seller, in violation of his agreement with the funder, may order the buyer to pay the invoice directly to him and not refund the funds

Platform Advantages:
- Decentralization. This platform will allow sellers and buyers to interact directly.
- Reduce the cost of the seller, so you can get funds at a lower rate
- Dynamic invoices provide an opportunity to update information in real time

Invox Tokens are what you will use to access the Invox Finance system and take action. Invox tokens are also used to drive platform users in two ways: they reward buyers for verification, reward buyers and sellers after paying invoices.

Pre-ICO: 15-24.03.2018
ICO: 15.04-14.05.2018
Course: 1 INVOX = 0,0001 ETH
The purpose of pre-ICO: 2,941 ETH
The main goal: 20,000 ETH
Total token: 484,000,000
Pre-ICO + 30%
1-2 days + 20%
3-5 days + 10%
6-15 days + 5%
Token Distribution:
55% - ICO
20% - to the team and adviser
20% - operating costs
5% gift
Fund distribution:
45% marketing
20% - domestic investment funds
19% - legal services and audit
15% - system development
1% - different
Bounty Campaign:
30% - blogs and articles
15% - Twitter
15% - Facebook
15% - Reddit
10% - Telegram
10% - signatures and avatars
5% - transfer


angin badai


My ETH: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Senin, 16 April 2018

Goldiam can verify the authenticity of the reader and confirm its authenticity before starting the transaction Very reliable and secure.

Goldiam can verify the authenticity of the reader and confirm its authenticity before initiating a secure transaction. Very reliable and safe.Goldiam is a gold and diamond investment in the future in blockchain. With Goldiam, you can buy original gold and diamonds and ship them directly to the appropriate certificates. and how to invest with Goldiam is completely risk free.
Goldiam applies blockchain technology in gold mining, and we will discuss in detail the details of ICO.

In addition, you can save your goldiambox assets and earn more Goldiam coins every month, and Goldoin Goldoin Goldin Platform. Then you can convert Goldiam to other crypto currency or even fiat.

- Everything you need to store tokens for a minimum period of - 1 month, and you will receive a reward. Goldiam rewards users for every day soon. Thus, you have several ways to profit from the investment. You can benefit from gold and diamonds, hacked in gold tokens.

- Goldiam lets you buy gold and diamonds using Cryptocurrency - Goldiam Coins. By using our Gold and Diamond platform, you can buy this asset, store it in your wallet, or delete it whenever you want. Gold or diamonds, with a security license, will be delivered to your home. So, investing with Goldiam is completely risk free.

- GoldiamBox Wallet lets you make money without doing anything. All you need to keep a coin for a minimum period and you will receive a reward. Goldiam rewards the user for every angle he spends, and his prize is instantly available. So you have many ways to capitalize on your investment. You can win from Gold and Diamond, or you can get a gift from Goldiam Coins.

- With the GlobUnion platform, users have the opportunity to send or receive Goldiam coins. Therefore, anywhere in your world, you can receive or send this to your family anywhere. The recipient will be able to collect coins after exchanging the currency he wants, so it can be another digital currency or even fiat.

- Authentication of reciprocity. For applications that require secure access to the card, Goldiam's smart card can verify the authenticity of the reader and confirm its authenticity before initiating a secure transaction. Very reliable and safe.

see and watch the video below for information on Goldiam:

Full transparency and enhanced data protection security, information about transactions and brands. With the ability to replace Fiat, you do not have to carry cash and credit cards. Pay with Goldiam Smart Card whenever you want and where. You can also make instant payments. Now you pay directly with the help of Goldiam smart card, in your usual shops and boutiques.

Coin scores
Goldiam coins will be sent to the user. GOL will be used for all operations in Goldiam. The goal coin will be used to buy gold and diamonds. With GOL, you will be able to invest in goldiam box wallets that can give you extra profits in coins. Buyers must have a small GOL and then they are ready to invest gold and diamonds.
.Transfer of money
With our GlobUnion platform, you can now send and receive money from any part of the world to any part of the world at any time.
Monthly rewards for holders of assets
Earn coins by not doing anything. Hold your coin, and get your monthly reward inside your wallet. Invest and Enjoy!
Pure gold or diamond shipping
With Goldiam, you can withdraw gold or diamond whenever you want and we will ship it to your door with license and all the important things.
Goldiam handles the security of your precious assets. So it's safe inside the blockchain if it's in the wallet and we give you a license when it is pulled.

Q4 2017
Preparing ICO project
 Q1 2018
Pre Sale, Pre-ICO
 Q2 2018
Main ICO, Launch of Goldman Blockchain, Calypsum Wallet and Goldiambox Wallet, Goldiam List at Stock
Signs Legal Agreement For Gold Trading And Physical Diamonds
 Q3 2018
Start mobile platforms and apps to attract Gold and Diamond (s), Smart Goldiam Builder, Launch smart contract solution "GlobeUnion" on blockchain Goldiam
 Q4 2018
Signed contract with MASTERCARD company, Smart Goldiam Exchange
 Q1 2019
Goldiam hardware wallet
 Q2 2019
Smart + ATM Application Shopping contract
 Q3 2019
Deploying smart contract "Open heart" on Goldiam blockchain, Goldiam Cryptocurrency Exchange

Mourad Redjah
Founder & CEO
Nenad Balog
Aleksandar Djordjevic
Developer Support Complete
Lydia Kariuki
Milos Loncar
Developer / CMO
Dragana Krstic
Graphic designer
Nikola Miloradovic
Web Developer / Blockchain
Pankaj Sharma
Head marketing
Sara Krstovic
Nasir Mehmood
Software architect
Talha Yusuf
Blockchain Developer
Sadia Sharafat
Project manager
Qazi Faryal
Leading Analyst Research
Waqar Ahmed
Financial Analyst Blockchain
Fahad Aziz
Mobile App Developers
Afzal Akram
Graphic designer
Zainab Ghafoor
QA Engineer
Ammad Ul Islam
Research Analyst
Tana Srdanovic
Accounting Manager


Walid Messaoudi
Aaron Terruli
Bosko Nektarijevic
Daniela Nikolic
Filip Nebojsa Stricevic
Ivan Pesic
John Bosnitch
Matko Vladimir
Miladin Bozovic
Mirjana Tomic
Predrag Milovanovic
Muhammad Rizwan
Uzair Aftab
Business Development Manager
Kshitij Adhlakha
Vaibhav Adhlakha
Jovan Dragic
Naviin Kapoor
Marina Djordjevic
Marina Djordjevic
Official Channel Site

Official Channel Site

For More Information Please Visit Here:

author: angin badai
My profile:
My Eth: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Minggu, 15 April 2018

eCoinomic- simplifies capital control. Users of this site will have access to useful features that are very useful. Let's join us ..!

eCoinomic announces the immediate launch of its project, which will enable cryptocurrency operations and simplify capital controls. Site users will have access to great helpful features that will allow you to manage your own funds.

In particular, site users will be able to exchange various crypto currencies at a favorable rate, while paying a minimum commission, which will keep your own funds. The platform also offers the opportunity to undertake an investment project that will attract funds to launch its own program.

eCoinomic works with crypto currency and trust funds.
eCcoinomic Fast operation, including the use of fiat funds.
Work towards creating new platforms for transactions with cryptographic funds and trust funds. Use your own token to attract capital and operate the site.

Another possibility of eCoinomic sites is the ability to create and use credit lines. The advantage of other similar projects is the ability to independently establish conditions for obtaining loans. After that, the system will automatically find someone who is ready to provide loans.

It should be noted that the loan should not be guaranteed or something confirmed, allowing you to raise funds, even to start developing your own start-up.

It is important to note that using the eCoinomic platform allows you to benefit from these benefits:
Possibility of crypto-key exchange (TOP-10), as well as fiat funds (major currencies in the world).
Rapid operation, including the use of fiat funds.
There is a stabilization fund, which will, if necessary, save the funds invested in the project and maintain its effectiveness.
The availability of the alpha version is completed on the site prior to the commencement of the ICO sales procedure, which allows potential investors to evaluate the functionality before making a payment.

To take advantage of certain features of the site, as well as pay commissions, you need your own site token - CMC. You can buy it during ICO, as well as later on the first holder site. It is also possible to have tokens in the stock market.

In total, the company plans to issue token 1379410661, of which 80% will be offered for sale at various stages of ICO. The token cost at the time of sale will be $ 0.05. It should be noted that this negligible cost is slightly offset by the need to make a minimum investment of $ 200.

The formation of large minimum payments causes the fact that large numbers of small investors simply refuse to make money. Thus, we can conclude that the company depends heavily on large companies.

During ICO, investors have the opportunity to receive additional commissions ranging from 5% to 50%. The amount of this compensation depends on the number of tokens purchased, as well as the purchase period.

The biggest bonus is expected in the first sales period and will reach 50% of the funds deposited. The smallest - in the second from the back, when the bonus will be equal to only 5% of the chip purchased. The last stage of sales at ICO did not give any bonus.


Project development begins in 2018 and, within a few months, remarkable results are achieved - the start of ICO and project preparation to begin work. More details about the results obtained, as well as the development prospects, can be taken from the company roadmap.



The professional team is able to achieve outstanding results in a short time. He can only talk about the truth of the specialist choice and organization of the development team and all the actions he deserves.



ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2878954
WEBSITE: http://www.ecoinomic.net/
WHITE PAPER: https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ecoinomic/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ecoinomicnet
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@ecoinomic
TELEGRAM CHANEL: https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchannel
GROUP TELEGRAM: https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchatroom

author: angin badai
Bitcointalk my profile:
My ETH portfolio: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Senin, 09 April 2018

سوف G-Global كسر حاجز اللغة والسماح للمستشارين والشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم على التواصل

تحاول G-Global إنشاء شبكة كبيرة يمكنها ربط الشركات والأعمال التجارية بالخبراء الاستشاريين المتواجدين حول العالم. وسيتم إجراء المعاملات في عملة التشفير ، وسيقوم قطاع G-Global بكسر حاجز اللغة والسماح للمستشارين والشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم بالاتصال ويمكنهم بشكل فعال اعتراض الوسطاء بعدم دفع مستوى التشاور التنظيمي.

وستتوفر للشركة أيضًا إمكانية الوصول إلى الاستشاريين في جميع أنحاء العالم. G-Global Will Have A Pial Translation Service يمكن ترجمة الصوت والنص ، والقضاء على حواجز اللغة المشتركة. سوف تحدث ثورة في الشركات العالمية لأنها ستساعدهم على فهم البلدان الأخرى بشكل أفضل


كسر لغة الحاجز: ستعمل خدمة الترجمة العالمية D على كسر حاجز اللغة والسماح للمستشارين والشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم بالاتصال.
لا يوجد وسيط: حول d-global تعمل على شبكة لامركزية ، لا يتم دفع أي ثمن بانتظام لمنظمات استشارية كبيرة.
المساءلة العامة: سيكون كلا الطرفين مسؤولين عن التقييم العام ، مما يقلل من احتمالات الغش والاحتيال.

ما هي المشاكل المتعثرة؟

إذا أرادت شركة ما تطوير نفسها بنفسها ، فإنها تحتاج إلى مساعدة خارجية ، حيث أن هذه المساعدة الخارجية تكون عادة متاحة في الاستشاريين المحترفين الذين يمكنهم تقديم الخبرة الشخصية والاقتراحات وبحوث السوق المطلوبة للنمو.

تقليديا ، ينبغي للشركات توظيف المساعدات من المنظمات الاستشارية الخارجية التي يمكن أن تكون مكلفة للغاية. في G-Global ، يمكن للشركات الوصول إلى العالم. هي مصطلحات محددة سلفا ، أو فقط لإنجاز مهام بسيطة

سيتم الحفاظ على سرية كلا الطرفين وسيتم مساءلتهم عن تعليقاتهم. هذا سيقضي على إمكانية الاحتيال بالكامل. سيتم إجراء جميع المعاملات على بروتوكول Ethereum ERC-20 ، Fast و Safe و Anonymous. لا تملك الشركات أي رسوم صرف أجنبي أو رسوم على التحويلات المصرفية الدولية.

ما هو G-GLOBAL مفتوح؟

بيان: Actiteepi: // ggloblkio / peedif / g-GlobalWPEngkeedif
قبلت: ETH
Token Name: G-Global Token
الرمز المميز السعر: 0.30 دولار
القبعة: 3 ملايين دولار
القبعة الصلبة: 50 مليون دولار
إخلاء المسؤولية: جميع المعلومات

G-Global Platform Technology

الآن ، سيساعد D-Platform Global المتخصصين في الصناعة والمستهلكين على توفير اقتراحات سريعة وجودة للتفاعل السهل. هذا قد يكون تحت ضغط الوقت
يتم تنفيذ الوظائف والفوائد الرئيسية لهذا النظام الأساسي على أساس اثنين من التقنيات ، IPFS و Blockchain Ethereum. لاحظ أن جميع المعاملات والعمليات والإجراءات في الكتلة العامة متاحة للجمهور. المعلومات المشفرة من شكل العملية والمعلومات المخزنة في العقدة الموزعة باستخدام بروتوكول IPFS.



مزيد من المعلومات المفصلة الرابط أدناه:

موقع الويب: http://gglobal.io/
المستند التقني: http://gglobal.io/pdf/G-GlobalWPEng.pdf
مجموعة Telegram: https://t.me/G_global_Eng

مؤلف: angin badai
بلدي Bitcointalk الملف الشخصي:

بلدي ETH المحفظة:

Jumat, 06 April 2018

[GameLootNetwork] PLATFORM is the one stop shop for all games - from playing, buying, to designing.


GameLootNetwork PLATFORM to be the one stop revolutionary store for all games - from play, buying, to designing.
and also works like an app store, with games and curated features that are enabled by blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency, LOOT,

Many Companies rely on players for beta testing, customer acquisition, and game curation, but they rarely share rewards beyond the in-app improvements or early access to the anticipated content.
and also Many companies design game concepts without feedback from future player bases that lead to unwanted creations and frustrating features.

by that, Game Loot Network is here to give the resource artists to create games that they imagine and reward the players who fill their virtual world

65K - Users
$ 7M - Spent in Development
$ 5 Million - Revenue Earned
Game Loot Network provides an online platform with games and game resources that users judge. With blockchain technology at its core, it will disrupt the online gaming industry.

With us you can do whatever you want because we are a $ 7 million entertainment platform built in blockchain. Supported strategically, we have assembled development partners whose games have more than 100 million total downloads.

Funds and resources for game developers

Publishing Decentralized
The platform is changing game publications with an integrated crowdfunding portal. Indie designers submit their game idea to a catalog on this screen. Their proposal page may include screenshots, demos, or gameplay recordings. The user offers a Loot token to sponsor a promising project. Instead of their cryptocoins, supporters receive a percentage of earning revenue from an upcoming title. A collective is decentralized to produce the game through democratic demands.

Generate Repeat Income
When the crowdfunded creations are finished they generate revenue for developers and supporters. Independent artists reduce costs, and players earn income from games they help shape. Imagine having a percentage of the next global industry hit.

Curated and publishing game users decentralized

Smart Contract Prizes
An open ledger tracks user engagement with the platform. From design to gameplay, no digital victories are unappreciated.

Gaming Tournaments
The sweaty competition normally reserved for professionals becomes accessible to everyone. Tourney winners receive a set of Loot prizes or electronic items of interest.

Recurring revenue for designers and players

Crypto Ecosystem
Loot Token acts as a gateway to every gift resource on the platform. With Loot, users can enter head-to-head tournaments, generate recurring income through crowdfunding games, purchase in-game improvements, bid on online auctions, earn additional revenue, and ultimately download games created specifically for the platform. Loot will evolve, maintained with utility in wide application.

Countdown Sales Countdown Token

LOOT ICO begins May 29, 2018

Crypto Ecosystem
Loot Token acts as a gateway to every gift resource on the platform. With Loot, users can enter head-to-head tournaments, generate recurring income through crowdfunding games, purchase in-game improvements, bid on online auctions, earn additional revenue, and ultimately download games created specifically for the platform. Loot will evolve, maintained with utility in wide application.

Countdown Sales Countdown Token

LOOT ICO begins May 29, 2018

To join, click here: https://gamelootnetwork.com/form.html

A Ripe of Industry for Disorders

Projection for Global Gaming Market 2016-2020

Loot Token Sale Timeline

In the near future, most of these markets will adopt Blockchain.

TOKEN PRICE $ 0.35 each.
Better on the ground floor. Initial buyers receive Loot bonus:

Personal Sales

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Phase 2

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Public Sales

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Phase 2

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Phase 3

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Daily Blind Auction
Loot is not a token to buy and expect. This is the functional cryptocurrency of a great vision. The Loot Network game represents more than just a roadmap. Offering user-proven products, it goes beyond words on paper. Extensive beta testing generated over 5 million dollars in revenue for just 7 months.


KEY feature

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Social Features

Rating of a curated game
An intuitive friend's system
Game Blockchain

Integrated crypto wallet connected to the platform
Monetization award cryptocurrency game for developers and crowdfunders
A digital currency that allows connected games to offer real-life value.

Up here explanation from me and for more information please visit GLN website and Social Media below:

Author: angin badai
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WALLET ETHEREUM I: 0x6b47D5F8CfA73B43668aD6C12eFF00ad250725e6

Minggu, 01 April 2018

(TrueGame) users get completely transparent and fair whatever games they play on the platform.

Hello everyone I believe is one of the biggest players who do not believe in the honesty of online casino managers I discuss. This occurs because the player can not check the integrity of the game and trusts the results indicated in the online casino.

TrueGame users can get completely transparent and fair opportunities whatever game they play on the platform. This advantage is realized by an intelligent contract that randomly generates game numbers and processes published on the block chain network. This means that the risk of minimal fraud is very common in the industry.

Funding procurement is another big problem of online casinos. Players can not guarantee 100% that the casino has sufficient money to immediately pay jackpot or gift instantly.

$ 4.4 billion - it is the current annual value of the online gambling market. The mobile market is growing more and more and it is becoming the most profitable and competitive niche market today. As with all major markets, online gambling also has some problems.

Purpose of the project.
The above problem and other problems in this industry can be fixed in the block chain project TrueGame. The team is proud to refer to their project as a platform iGaming with purpose and to track reliable and trustworthy places and be able to play the most popular games in real time As gamers - including slots, lotteries, scratch cards, and even large jackpots as hitting the lottery. They need the ICO to invest in existing work products (websites with games) and attract more gamers.

The strongest points of this platform are as follows.

Security realized by a smart contract.
Different advantages of token holder.
Jackpot for users and ordinary lottery.
An integrated platform that allows you to add games, payment systems and more.
Speed ​​up transactions by reducing costs.

This team includes comparative analysis and platform services / products that everyone regards as different key players in niche technology and different distributed and TrueGame way, this team regard them as the major competitors. The main competitors are LottoLand, Funfair, Trueflip, and SmartBillions. These features are compared in detail in the project white papers (p. 21 - 22). The main difference is that TrueGame already has a complete working platform.

TGAME is the only official project token. The total number of tokens published is 300 million. No token is issued, unused TGAME is burned. The team will receive less than 5% of the total number of partial tokens monthly after six months from the end of the main crowdsale. The team will allocate up to 70% of the three sales stages (211 million). Soft hat is 2 million dollars. The hard hat of all stages is 9 million USD. You can invest in ETH, LTC, BTC.

Private sales: From February 10th to March 4th, you can afford to purchase a minimum 5ETH investment, but anyone can join private pre-sale (necessary whitelist) in 2018. The expected hard hat is 31,450,000 TGAME. At this stage, the token price is estimated as follows. 1 ETH = 18,500 TGAME (Including 100% Bonus).

Advance sale: It will be held from March 5th to the end of April 2018. The minimum investment per capita is 0.2 ETH. During the first week of presales, you can receive up to 40% bonus on the main crowdsale price during the weeks after the bonus falls from 30% to 20%. The token price also includes 11.100 TGAME TGAME of bonus included and is reduced from one ETH at a cost of 12.950.

ICO (Main Cloudale): It will occur from April 16th to April 30th, 2018. The token price forecast is 1 ETH = 9,250 TGAME. The minimum amount of individual investment is 0.1 ETH. The bonus will change at this stage. Details on all the bonuses at various stages are displayed in the white paper (pages 23-24).

In addition to the stage, tokens are assigned as follows. 15% to team members 4% - for advisers. Reserve funds are 10%, prize earnings are 1%.

Funds collected at all stages of sale are shared: 33% of jackpot funds 45% to attract new players; 12% for further development, 10% for legal aid.

This project already has a fully operational work product. This is another web site where users can play games and earn tokens. All lottery tickets and games are creative, accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, visually pleasant and user friendly website created based on smart contracts. Unlike its decentralized competitors, TrueGame is far ahead of achieving key goals, which means attracting the attention of target users interested in gambling. The project's upcoming milestone aims to fully integrate Ethereum block chains and platforms and expand viewers, including adding new games like card games and slots.

The Smart Contract code can be seen partially on Github.

White paper. The white paper of this project (page 38) is provided in English only. It contains information on the problems and solutions provided by the TrueGame team. There is also a team competitor and paragraph devoted to its analysis, the main advantage of all users of the platform. Includes tokens sale, securities, investor risks, and specific roadmap details. The team also plans to spend most of its financing on marketing strategies. This is explained in detail in the white paper.

Website It is very detailed, it contains all the necessary graphics and information about sales of tokens and products (working on different websites) working. Given the links to social media pages and documents, bonuses are explained to investors at all stages of sales. For now, it is only available in English.

The legal address is specified along with the registration number of the company behind the project. According to the website, TRUEGAME is in 10901, Costa Rica, San Jose, Santa Ana.

The social media hype team aims to get popularity and social media hype by launching a prize campaign. The social media account of this project has a number of such followers: Telegram - 3089; Twitter - 1570; Instagram - 109 and almost inactive Reddit. There is also a new Youtube channel. There are not many topics of TrueGame so far, but I hope this situation will be fixed shortly.

One of the most obvious aspects of TrueGame is the highly detailed roadmap with individual pages. The team also specifies the goals achieved. Developers explained their monthly targets until the first half of 2019. In the first half of 2018, they planned two stages or pre-sale and major crowddale, released mobile apps on Google Play, BTC, Litecoin, Dash, Dogcoin will do a block chance ball lottery and a cipher one million pieces lottery of US $ 1 million per piece. Also, we will start the referral campaign at some point during this period. Games will be added during the first quarter of 2018 to the second quarter.

Affiliate marketing (CPA), third party service API, Hackathon launch is a major event for users planned during this period.

The team has 19 members, including reputable and experienced advisors.

1) Dmitry Danilov - Founder and CEO of TrueGame and has 15 years experience in online sales.

2) Denis Snitserev - Admitad's best webmaster, guru of affiliate marketing. The largest ad network.

3) Dmitry Shchuvatov - CMO. For more than ten years, I worked with various gaming resources.

You can get white papers and FAQs written at https://ico.truegame.io.

For more information:


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